What a Day!

Well, sit back and sip a coke or cup of coffee because there is so much to tell you. (Or you can just sign off now and not read this prose. I told you that we are not travelogue fans so you have a choice here )

What a day it was! We like ro start around eight a.m. but when I am in the sun a lot I get a fever blister on my lip. I brought medicine but not enough for this episode. Sure, I’ll just go to the Pharmacy in O Ceberiro where we are headed. NOPE, there are no pharmacies for two days. O0ps, that won’t work. So we wAit and wait and wait outside the local pharmacy. ( think that Jesus thought Jan might need ANOTHER patience lesson! I gratefully got meds and we bid adieu to our wonderful albergue hosts and took off for our scenic mountain hike.

The first three miles are up a valley with gradual inclines and rushing snow-fed stream beside us. Heavenly!!! We can do this all day. Then we took a strong, well marked left into the woods AND we started to climb. I mean climb. We went straight up. No kidding…straight up. The elevation is only 4000 feet. We climbed over 2000 feet today in nine miles. Gooooooood grief!  And sun, let me tell you, it was HOT! My active heart rate is 120-125. I checked and I was at 160. Time to rest. John Wayne was looking concerned so I took deep breaths and stopped often. I, also, took deep breaths and stopped often because I needed to do so.   Folks, it was pretty brutal.

Finally, after only four hours of hiking but never a true plateau, we reached our village. I think that Mary must have looked at Bethlehem with much of the same relief that I felt!  I could hardly believe we were here.

We checked in an absolutely beautiful hotel and fell sound asleep still in our thoroughly wet hiking clothes. Who cared!

Two of our favorite German pilgrims, Patrick and Jessica, have been catching up with us on purpose and we rendezvoused here. This is probably the last day we will see them. They are in their early twenties and walk long and fast. We will leave them with much joy in knowing them and much regret. We will have dinner together soon. This pilgrimage gives you so much. God just keeps appearing in many ways but most often in the people.

This is the Lenren season and we never counted on God taking us lovingly on a pilgrimage of primer lessons. He has delighted us with PRACTICAL lessons to show us exactly what He means in His parables. First was the Shepherd and sheep Keep your eyes ON ME. Secondly was laying our burdens(our rocks) at the foot of the cross. Thirdly was the massive and vast vineyards that we trekked through. The vine dressers were in the fields early..pruning; carefully tending to each vine so it would produce more fruit. The fifth lesson we saw practically was when we stayed at an albergue in Villafranco. It is literally built on a rock. ( I will post a photo). That albergue was not going anywhere. It was totally secure. The sixth lesson is on provision. We started noticing bottles of water outside front doors of homes. Village after village and home after home had these bottles of water. They are left for the pilgrims to provide water if needed. Our hearts are so touched. I don’t know what He taught us today YET MAYBE JUST PERSISTENCE.

HE is so good, so kind and loving and such a wonderful God Person. We are so grateful to be on this path WITH Him.

Buen Camino!