St James,Here We Come!

We are in Fromista, Spain. We left Brussels about noon. Flew RyanAir(Man,has it improved!) Landed in Santander. Took a taxi to the train station and the joy began. I know it is absolutely hilarious to hear that a backpack carrying all your essential belongings is about the most freeing experience I have ever had. On my back was anything I needed from water to a rain coat to a hair brush….gosh, I could even brush my teeth if I wanted to. We walked across the plaza to our train terminal and entered this cosmopolitan station to witness a full-fledged dance. I mean couples were having their own “sock hop” though a tad bit more sensual. We burst out laughing and began swaying to the music. It was mesmerizing. We easily found our gate; inquired as to the car where our seats were located; boarded this lovely train and set off for a two and a half hour ride through some of the most enticing landscapes. I never knew that there were SO many mountains in Spain….Snow capped mountains. Some of the trees in the valley were flowering. We watched out our window like children looking for Santa. 

We arrived in Fromista at 6:30. Not a soul exited but us and the train station was TOTALLY deserted.  We are now pilgrims but modern day pilgrims. I whipped out my iPhone;turned on the cellar power and goggled the hotel. Off we went following goggle maps. The hostess at Hotel Camino de Santiago was waiting at the front door for us. She directed us to our rooms; graciously informed us of breakfast and sent us to a cafe to eat. 

Even in this tiny welcoming village(population 200) there was a menu in blessed English; two Italian pilgrims who spoke English and the most delightful meal.  We were and are blessed. We witnessed His guiding hand repeatedly today. Six months ago we didn’t even know there were “still” pilgrims and now a whole new world is opening to us. 

We carry your love and concerns in our hearts. 

Buen Camino