Short and Sweet …We are Exhausted.

Today on Camino our second handsome grandson, Price Daniel Taylor, became five years old. It crushes us to not be there with him. We hope someday that he will be proud of us for this adventure. Happy birthday, Price! You are one amazing boy!

For those following us on the Camino. We started today in Sarria and arrived at Portomarina about 3:30. When you leave Sarria ( after the Santa Maria church, you will pass a cafe on your left..just before you take a right to leave town) That is the last place to get breakfast or a cafe con leche for FOUR hours. The trek is BEAUTIFUL but constant ascent and descent. It is long though not particularly challenging. You do know that the temperature drop today is indicative of rain and snow on the mountains. Ernest and I are dressing for “bear.”

We have a very, very steep ascent tomorrow. It will not be particularly high in elevation but we climb 1500 feet in 3 miles.  The weather is an issue though we came prepared for rain and snow. We are “bushed” tonight but hope to walk short tomorrow.

I guess I would say that being a “town” girl I never knew how shortly it takes a rooster to crow three times. In Sarria, a rooster started crowing at 4 o’clock. He continued to crow in”threes” for hours. The three crows were never more than 30 seconds apart. Didn’t know how quickly Peter denied Jesus. Secondly, there are a number of things I have been ” concerned” about on Camino. From making the right transportation contacts to getting to Fromista to certain inclines and declines. God reminded me today of the women headed to Jesus’ s tomb after the crucifixion.  What was their whole conversation about? Right! How to move the stone!  Guess what, God had ALREADY answered their problem. Just comes Down to TRUST,doesn’t it??!!  Just trust!

Buen Camino!