Empty or Full

So there is our “backpack” bench of sorts. Unless we are training our two Ospry  18-20 lb packs hang there. There are a buff or two…a stocking cap or a ball cap depending on the weather. BUT it is never empty of gear. I took a photo of this station as we left for the airport. It was as though I had seen a very familiar space for the first time.  We are off to walk el Camino with a much desired week with our American/Belgium grandchildren  preceding the adventure. 

The question is, “Is this empty or full?”Does the lack of unnecessary things set us free?  Will the lack of the things that we use EVERY day allow a fullness in us?  “Where the spirit of God is, there is liberty!”  Is the emptiness necessary for the filling?the fullness.?Can we allow Him to fill us?

Buen Camino